Saturday, November 21, 2009

Photographers and Models work together as a team

Great fashion photographers have the ability to see beauty, or interest or excitement and capture it on film. They also possess a knowledge of human nature and have the communication skills to lead the model toward their most becoming and engaging posture. A good photographer puts the models at ease using words, tones and facial expressions to help the model's feel relaxed and able to be natural. Photographers are like orchestra conductors, coordinating the back ground music, temperature, lighting, venues and atmosphere to set the perfect scene. The skilled artist behind the camera, although invisible to us,is vital to a model's success.

Although, often not given enough credit for their art and talents, models are much more than just another pretty face. They must walk a tight rope. Firstly, they must fulfill the demands of the photographer and the client. They must be able to listen, understand and then reproduce. Secondly, models need to stay true to themselves, for it is only when they let their real personality shine through that they are believable and likable. They have the hard job of winning us over, of making us want to be like them, all, without words. On top of all of this, models must also present the fashions in their best light. We know that clothes can make the woman or the man but it is also true that models help to make the clothes. A good model does not distract us from the creations they are wearing but instead, inspires us to be similarly attractive.
Good photographers need to enjoy what they do because it is their excitement and enthusiasm that are the prime motivators for the models. Models need to enjoy what they do because their attitude shows in the very steps they take. Those with an eye for composition, a communicative spirit and an a flair for style and form may want to learn about fashion photography. Documenting the trends and styles of the day and influencing society through art can be rewarding both financially and personally. People with outgoing personalities and friendly, interesting faces might find a wonderful experience waiting for them in front of a camera. Taking care to be at your best, both physically and mentally and the ability to understand how to share the fun are qualities that will pay off in the world of modeling.

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