Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is beauty?

What makes a woman beautiful? We have always heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We know that pretty is as pretty does. We know that when a man's in love, the girl looks sweeter. Yet, people believe that some women are more lovely than others. Who is it that finds these beauties and promotes them? Who is it that sets our standards?

Artists not only have the ability to see beauty but the talent and skills to transfer it to paper or canvas or film. They can see, perhaps better than we, the qualities that make someone worth repeating. Throughout the years they have exploited our desires, tempting us to want to see their reproductions and to need to possess their pictures. They have done this by simply by copying the beauty they see before them. If we examine the examples that they have chosen for their models, we can see similarities. What is it that these artists, with their gifted eyes, can spot? What is it that makes these women beautiful to us?

Perhaps it is the inner spark they capture escaping through her twinkling eyes or the secret held that we can glimpse, along the lines of her slight smile. Maybe it is the emotions we think are hidden behind a lowered glance or the hunger of a translucent plump cheek, pinched pink in color. Could it be the shape of her face, soft and leading, oval and almost symmetrical or her hair, pulled back so sternly it reflects the window's light or instead, billowing in curls, circling round her neck like soft caresses?

Whatever the qualities are that we admire, it seems that they are universal and they are timeless. The faces of women, through the ages, have entranced artists and their patrons alike. Their faces blend together to charm us. Is it our Mother's face we see, our wife, or ourself? They could be anyone.

Maybe beautiful women are all around us. It could be that some are just a bit more fair, a tad more pleasing, but, with our rose-colored glasses of reality, aren't we all beautiful, here, beneath the sun?

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