Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can an argument be won and should you even start the argument?

Each Day we face many challenges and at times we choose to argue our case.This weekend in Vayera reading Abraham faces three challenges. In the first one God wants to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham does his best to argue passionatley to save people hi does not even know. Does he win this argument?
Next, his wife Sarah demands that Hagar and her son ( also the son of Abrahm) be sent away. Abraham chooses not to argue with Sara and does what his wife demands.  (Abraham does not argue).
Later, God instruct Abaraham to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up the son of Sarah, Isaac, at a certain location. Now again, Abarahm does not argue.
Dale Carnegie writes in his book: " How to win friends and influence people" an entire chapter in the section: "How to win people to your way of thinking " called- You can't win an argument.( page 109)

Did Abraham learn this earlier on in his first attempt to argue the case of the people of Sodom? Are there things worth standing up for? How do we stay committed to what we believe is right, at the same time not causing the other party to  turn away from us ? Can our business or personal life afford to have the results faced by Lot's wife's and become a pillar of salt just because we chose to make the wrong move and argue?
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